30 Day Arm Challenge – Day 6

30 Day Arm Challenge – Day 6

Arm toning and strengthening exercises are important throughout life. Having upper body strength helps us combat the physical pitfalls of our culture. We live in such a flexed-posture society. Being hunched over the computer, in front of the TV, and at the steering wheels of our cars takes a toll. The shoulder girdle becomes stretched, the chest muscles get tighter, and we set ourselves up for decreased range of motion and potential injury.
Today’s Workout:
*15 push-ups
*20 Dips (may want to break this up into 2 sets)
*40 Bicep Curls (may want to break this up into sets)
*30-second punches
*Do 2-3 sets of each exercise.
*30-60 minutes of cardio
+++Remember to eat healthy and drink 6-10 glasses of water per day.
+++Use proper technique.

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